"The Dump" - by B-PBack to Main Page |
DescendTitle | Year | Author | Description | Filename | Size |
Adventures And Accidents | 1936 | B-P | . | BPAdventures.pdf | 760 kb |
African Adventures | 1937 | B-P | . | africanadv.pdf | 1.47 Mb |
Aids To Scouting For NCO's & Men | 1915 | B-P | . | A2S4NCO&Men.pdf | 412kb |
Aids To Scoutmastership | . | B-P | . | a2sm.pdf | 501kb |
An Old Wolf's Favourites - Animals I Have Known | 1922 | B-P | Book of yarns for Wolf Cubs by B-P. Despite the subtitle, about half of the yarns have very little to do with animals. | animals.pdf | 3.22 Mb |
Another message to Scouts | . | B-P | Audio | bp_scouts2.mp3 | 2.28 Mb |
Boy Scouts allende los mares | . | B-P | Spanish - Translated by Juan Jos? P?rez Mart?nez | Spanish-BoyScoutsallendelosmares.pdf | 3.56 Mb |
Boy Scouts Beyond The Seas | 1913 | B-P | 1913 World Tour | beyondtheseas.pdf | 2.1 MB |
BP addresses Sportsman | . | B-P | Audio | bp_sports.mp3 | 3.41 Mb |
BP and Girl Scouts | . | B-P | Video | girlscouts.mpg | 14.4 Mb |
BP explains the Grand Howl | . | B-P | Audio | bp_howl.mp3 | 2.80 Mb |
BP talking to parents | . | B-P | Video | filme3.wmv | 659kb |
BP talks about the Seige of Mafeking | . | B-P | Audio | DefenseofMafeking.mpeg | 7.45 Mb |
BP's address on his 80th Birthday | . | B-P | Audio | bp_80th.mp3 | 2.90 Mb |
BP's address at Arrowe Park | . | B-P | Video | filme2.wmv | 927kb |
BP's message to Parents | . | B-P | Audio | bp_parents.mp3 | 2.44 Mb |
BP's message to Scout Masters and Commissioners | . | B-P | Audio | bp_masters.mp3 | 2.57 Mb |
BP's message to The Public | . | B-P | Audio | bp_public.mp3 | 2.94 Mb |
BP's message to Wolf Cub Parents | . | B-P | Audio | bp_wolf.mp3 | 2.43 Mb |
BP's Outlook | 1909-1941 | B-P | . | outlook.pdf | 1.6 Mb |
BP's Outlook - Espa?ol | 1909-1941 | B-P | . | BPsOutlookespanol.pdf | 839kb |
BP's talking to youth | . | B-P | Video | filme1.wmv | 695kb |
Cavalry Instruction | 1885 | B-P | . | cavinstr.pdf | 555kb |
Essays on Duty and Discipline | 1910 | B-P | . | britishdiscipline.pdf | 220kb |
Girl Guiding | 1938 | B-P | . | girlguiding.pdf | 2.05 Mb |
Guia do Chefe Escoteiro | . | B-P | Aid to SM - Brazilian Portuguese | gce.pdf | 876kb |
Historias para Boy Scouts | . | B-P | Spanish - Translated by Juan Jos? P?rez Mart?nez | Spanish-HistoriasparaBoyScouts.pdf | 1.59 |
Jovenes Caballeros del Imperio | . | B-P | Spanish - Translated by Juan Jos? P?rez Mart?nez | Spanish-JovenesCaballerosdelImperio.pdf | 2.21 Mb |
Juegos de scouts | . | B-P | Spanish - Translated by Juan Jos? P?rez Mart?nez | Spanish-Juegosdescouts.pdf | 512kb |
Jungle Dances | . | B-P | A compilation of Jungle Dances and how to use them in Wolf Cubs. (put together by Karl) | jungledances.pdf | 594kb |
Lecciones de la universidad de la vida | . | B-P | Spanish - Translated by Juan Jos? P?rez Mart?nez | Spanish-Leccionesdelauniversidaddelavida.pdf | 2.84 Mb |
Lessons From The Varsity Of Life | 1934 | B-P | . | varsityoflife.pdf | 2.16Mb |
Los favoritos del viejo lobo | . | B-P | Spanish - Translated by Juan Jos? P?rez Mart?nez | Spanish-Losfavoritosdelviejolobo.pdf | 2.0 Mb |
Marksmanship For Boys | 1915 | B-P | . | marksboys.pdf | 2.79 Mb |
Memories of India | 1915 | B-P | . | memories.pdf | 3.5 Mb |
More Sketches of Kenya | 1940 | B-P | . | moresketches.pdf | 1.36 Mb |
Quick Training In War | 1914 | B-P | . | quick.pdf | 584 kb |
Reconnaissance and Scouting | 1891 | B-P | . | reconnscout.pdf | 2.35 Mb |
Report on the Siege of Mafeking | 1901 | B-P | . | siege.pdf | 1.67 Mb |
Rovering To Success | 1963 | B-P | . | rts.pdf | 1.8 Mb |
Rovering To Success | 1963 | B-P | .epub | r2t - B-P.epub | 1.98 Mb |
Rovering To Success | 1963 | B-P | .mobi | r2t - B-P.mobi | 2.10 Mb |
Scouting And Youth Movements | 1929 | B-P | An overview of Scouting for the uninitiated...origins, purpose and method, views on religion, the military, etc. | scoutyouth.pdf | 354kb |
Scouting For Boys | 1956 | B-P | Brotherhood Edition | 29 Files | . |
Scouting Games | 1934 | B-P | Original Scouting Book of Games | bp_games.pdf | 283kb |
Scouting Round The World | 1935 | B-P | . | scoutinground.pdf | 3.97 Mb |
Sea Scouting for Boys | 1910 | B-P | A 1910 introduction to Sea Scouting written by B-P for Scoutmasters and organizers.(May not be the complete text) | ss4boys.pdf | 45kb |
Sketches In Mafeking & East Africa | 1907 | B-P | . | sketches.pdf | 29.0 Mb |
Sport In War | 1900 | B-P | . | sport.pdf | 1.99 Mb |
The Adventures Of A Spy | 1924 | B-P | . | adventures.pdf | 1.0 Mb |
The Chief Scout Yarns | 1918-1920 | B-P | A Collection of Yarns from the Chief Scout - A weekly Pow Wow 1918-1920 | Chief Scout Yarns.pdf | 1.6 Mb |
The Cub Book | 1957 | B-P | . | cubbookabr.pdf | 486kb |
The Downfall Of Prempeh | 1896 | B-P | . | prempeh.pdf | 1.84 Mb |
The Matabele Campaign | 1896 | B-P | . | matabele.pdf | 4.74 Mb |
What Scouts Can Do - More Yarns | 1921 | B-P | . | whatscouts.pdf | 3.66 Mb |
Wolf Cub's Handbook | 1938 | B-P | . | wolfcubshandbook.pdf | 1.4 Mb |
Yarns For Boy Scouts | 1910 | B-P | . | yarns4boyscouts.pdf | 871kb |
Young Knights of the Empire | 1917 | B-P | . | youngknights.pdf | 2.2 Mb |