. | Title | Description | name | file size |
Scouting Games | The original book on Scouting Games by Sir Robert Baden-Powell. | bp_games.pdf |
283kb |
Outdoor Games for Scouts | The 1952 Gilcraft book on Outdoor Games for Scouts. | Outdoor Games.pdf |
543 kb |
Gilcraft Book of Games | A 1928 compendium of over 350 popular Scout and Cub games. You will be
amazed how many already are the favourite of your troop and how many will become the "new" favourites. | Gilcraft Games.pdf |
462 kb |
Gilcraft's Wide Games | The 1944 version of Gilcraft's Wide Games | WideGames.pdf |
1.3 Mb |
60 Indoor Games For Scouts | The 1932 book on the most popular indoor games for Scouts. | 60indoor.pdf |
177kb |
Games For Cubs | The New Gilcraft Series #4 - 1952. | games4cubs.pdf |
530kb |
The Book Of Cub Scout Games | Originally published in 1919 - reprinted in 1968. | cubscoutgames.pdf |
450kb |
Games For Scouts | Originally published in 1929. | gamesscouts.pdf |
1.73 Mb |
Boy Scout Games | BSA - 1958. | bsgames.pdf |
2.36 Mb |
The First Book of Indoor Troop Games | The Scout Assoc. of New Zealand - 1979. | introopgames.pdf |
1.17 Mb |
Games For Camp And Club-Room | For Cubs, Scouts and Guides - 1956. | games4camp.pdf |
567kb |
Games And Stunts For All Occasions | Although not a Scouting book, contains many good games and stunts - 1935. | gamesstunts.pdf |
466kb |
Games For Cubs | 1945 - by A.W.N. Mackenzie. | gamesforcubs.pdf |
852kb |
100 Games For Cripple And Hospital Packs | 1947 - by Betty Melville Smith and Elizabeth Connell. | 100crgames.pdf |
115kb |