. | Title | Description | name | file size |
Smartness in Scouting | Booklet on Ceremonies in Scouting | Smartness.pdf |
688kb |
 | Aids to Scoutmastership by Sir Robert Baden-Powell | The fundamental manual for Scout Leaders. Describes the purpose and methods of Scouting. Complete with original illustrations. 1945 "Brotherhood Edition". |
a2sm.pdf |
501kb |
Life's Snags and How to Meet Them | Talks to Young Men by Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Bt. | snags.pdf |
903kb |
Canadian POR 1919 | Policy Organization and Rules for Canada 1919. The second edition of what is now known as BP&P, containing organizational rules as well as badge scheme and requirements as of September 1919. The original POR was dated
1916. | POR1919.pdf |
1 Mb |
The Chief Scout Yarns | A Collection of Yarns from the Chief Scout - A weekly Pow Wow 1918-1920 | Chief Scout Yarns.pdf |
1.6 Mb |
The Campfire Song Book | 1961 Canadian Campfire Song Book | cfsongbook.pdf |
409kb |
The Left Handshake | The Boy Scout Movement During The War 1939-1945 - By Hilary St. George Saunders | lefthandshake.pdf |
783kb |
The Adventures Of A Spy | The 1924 edition of B.P.'s My Adventures As A Spy | adventures.pdf |
1.0 Mb |
Scout Group Ladies Auxiliaries | The 1957 edition of the B.S. Assoc. of Canada handbook | ladiesaux57.pdf |
95kb |
Young Knights Of The Empire | The original 1917 edition of B.P.'s book, regarding Scouting around the world. Included are many yarns and tips. | youngknights.pdf |
2.2 Mb |
The Camp Fire Leader's Book | Hazelwood and Thurman's book on everything you need to know about Camp Fires. | C-F-Leader.pdf |
1.8 Mb |
Handbook For Canada 1930 | The 1930 edition of the Handbook For Canada. Full of reference material for all Scouters. | HandbookforCanada1930.pdf |
3.3 Mb |
The Scouters Camping Guide | The 1962 Boy Scouts of Canada booklet - To be used as a reference for Leaders new to camping. | campingguide.pdf |
587kb |
Baden-Powell's Canadian Boy Scout Organization - 1910 | The 1910 Original Boy Scouts of Canada booklet outlining about Scouting in Canada. Precursor to the 1916 POR. | canboyscoutorg1910.pdf |
162kb |
Boy Scouts | E.E. Reynolds book on Baden-Powell and the rise of the Boy Scout Movement - 1944. | boyscouts.pdf |
930kb |
The Scouters Job | J. Dudley Pank's book on the role of the Scouter - 1953. | scoutersjob.pdf |
364kb |
Boy Scouts Beyond The Seas | Baden-Powell's book on his 1913 World Tour. | beyondtheseas.pdf |
2.1 Mb |
The Spiritual Basis of Scouting | An address by Mr. Stanley Nice, Warden of Roland House, at the Birmingham Conference - 1930. | spiritualbasis.pdf |
54kb |
What It Is - What It Is Not | The Scout Movement - What It Is - What It Is Not. An article written for the Child Welfare Exhibition, Montreal - 1912. | whatitis.pdf |
84kb |
Prayers For The Use In The Brotherhood Of Scouts. | 1940 edition of the original prayer book for Scouting. | prayers.pdf |
284kb |
Patron Saints of the British Isles. | Girl Guides Association booklet (1948) on the Patron Saints of the British Isles. | patronsaints.pdf |
133kb |
Surveying and Mapping Simplified. | A book of Suggestions for those who adventure with maps (1941). | surveying.pdf |
1.22 Mb |
The Wolf That Never Sleeps. | The Story of Baden-Powell. The Wolf That Never Sleeps. 1900 by Harold Begbie. | wolfneversleeps.pdf |
1.43 Mb |
Lessons From The Varsity Of Life. | 1934 by Baden-Powell. | varsityoflife.pdf |
2.16 Mb |
The Duty Of A Scouter. | 1964 booklet on the Duty of a Scouter. | dutyscouter.pdf |
280kb |
Scouts Of Tomorrow. | 1956 booklet by the Boy Scouts Association, regarding the loss of Scouts. | STomorrow.pdf |
346kb |
Woodcraft Wisdom. | By J.G.Cone. | woodcraftwisdom.pdf |
3.95 Mb |
Acts of Incorporation | The Acts of Parliament that defined Boy Scouts of Canada. | incorp.pdf |
69 kb |
Adventures and Accidents | 1936 - By B.P. | BPAdventures.pdf |
760 kb |
The Young Baden-Powell | 1961 - By Arthur Catherall | youngbp.pdf |
567 kb |
Twenty-One Years Of Scouting | 1929 - By E.K. Wade. Regarding the first 21 years of the Scouting movement. | 21years.pdf |
2.56 Mb |
Introductory Interview | 1958 - BSC. An old version of the Introductory Interview. | introinterview.pdf |
117 kb |
Putting It Across | 1949 - BSC. Hints to help Leaders teach effectively. | puttingit.pdf |
953 kb |
Scouting In The Church Of England | 1944 - BSC. A Manual On Scouting In The Church Of England In Canada - For Chaplains and Leaders | scoutcheng.pdf |
178kb |
The Chief | Biography of Robert Baden-Powell by his personal secretary of 27 years.
Originally published as the 'Piper of Pax' in 1924. This version revised by the author to include B-P's life between 1924 and 1941. | The Chief.pdf |
6.25 Mb |
The Diamond Jubilee of Scouting 1966 | Just in time for the 100th anniversary...it's the 60th anniversary commemorative book! - 'The Diamond Jubilee Book of Scouting' (1966) from the UK Scout Association. | diamond.pdf |
3.10 Mb |
Baden-Powell 1939 | Biography of Baden-Powell - 1939. By R.H. Kiernan | bp1939.pdf |
892kb |
Aids To Scouting For NCO's & Men | The original book that starting the Scouting Movement. | A2S4NCO&Men.pdf |
412kb |
The Boy Scout | A short book of fiction by R.H Davis, 1914. One of the first fiction books written about Scouts. | boyscoutthe.pdf |
3.20 Mb |
Girl Guiding | The 1938 book on Girl Guiding - by B.P. | girlguiding.pdf |
2.05 Mb |
Australasian Jamboree Song Book | The 1938-9 songbook from the Australasian Jamboree - with words and music. | jamsong.pdf |
5.84 Mb |
The Scouts Book Of Heroes | A record of Scouts' work in the Great War - 1919. | scoutsheroes.pdf |
1.07 Mb |
The Wolf That Never Sleeps | The Story of Baden-Powell. The 1949 book by Marguerite de Beaumont. | wolfsleeps.pdf |
686kb |
Scouting Round The World | The 50th Anniversary book on the Scouting Movement - 1959, by J.S. Wilson. | roundworld.pdf |
1.62 Mb |
Land And Sea Tales For Scouts And Guides | The 1923 book by Rudyard Kipling. | landandsea.pdf |
1.66 Mb |
South African Memories | The 1909 book by Lady Sarah Wilson. | southafrican.pdf |
1.44 Mb |
The Matabele Campaign | The 1896 book by Colonel R.S.S. Baden-Powell. | matabele.pdf |
4.74 Mb |
Boy Heroes Of Today | The 1932 book by Dan Beard on BSA Scout Gold Honor Medal award winners. | boyheroes.pdf |
938kb |
Sport In War | The 1900 book by R.S.S. Baden-Powell. | sport.pdf |
1.99 Mb |
Baden-Powell Of Mafeking | 1900 - Regarding Baden-Powell and Mafeking, by J.S. Fletcher. | bpofmafeking.pdf | 1.59 Mb |
The Downfall of Prempeh | 1896 - by Maj.Gen. R.S.S. Baden-Powell. | prempeh.pdf | 1.84 Mb |
The Siege of Mafeking | 1900 - A Patriotic Poem by E. Gilbert Highton. | siege.pdf | 107kb |
African Adventures | 1937 - by B-P. | africanadv.pdf | 1.47 Mb |
The Great Boer War | 1902 - by Arthur Conan Doyle. | greatboer.pdf | 1.44 Mb |
The Hero Of Mafeking | 1900 - by W. Francis Aitken. | heroofmafeking.pdf | 353kb |
B-P's Life In Pictures | A comicbook-style history of B-P's life - from BSC (1970's). | bplifepict.pdf | 15.6 Mb |
Scouting On Two Continents | by Major Frederick R. Burnham - 1926. The autobiography of B.-P.'s secret mentor. | scouting2cont.pdf | 2.0 Mb |
Focus Break | BSC - 1986. A small pamphelt put out by the Scouts Canada Chaplaincy Corps. | focusbreak.pdf | 247kb |
Quick Training In War | 1914 - by B-P. | quick.pdf | 584kb |
Scouting And Youth Movements | 1929 - by B-P. | scoutyouth.pdf | 354kb |
An Old Wolf's Favourites - Animals I Have Known | 1922 - by B-P. | animals.pdf | 3.2 Mb |
The First Ten Years | 1948 - by Sir Percy Everett. | first10yrs.pdf | 6.0 Mb |
The Boy Scout Camp Fire Song Book | 1951 - by BS Assoc. Canada. | campsongbook.pdf | 1.0 Mb |
Kenya Scout Bulletin March 1941 | Kenya Scout Bulletin published in March 1941 as a memorial to BP. | kenya.pdf | 8.3 Mb |
The Flying Lions Of Canada 1940-1947 | Canadian Air Scouting Program 1940-1947. | flyinglionssc.pdf | 1.78 Mb |
Indian Scout Talks | Written in 1914 by Dr. Charles Eastman. | indiantalks.pdf | 382kb |
Boy Scout And Girl Guide Stamps Of The World | 1957 by Gordon Entwistle. | scoutstamps.pdf | 7.7 Mb |
Scouts 68 | 1968 - The 'New' Scouting Program by Boy Scouts of Canada. | scouts68.pdf | 2.1 Mb |
Suggestions for the Deepening of the Spiritual Life of the Group | 1932 - by Kenneth C. Sparrow. | suggestions.pdf | 424kb |
Nine Scout and Cub Plays | 1948 - by Douglas Berwick. | nineplays.pdf | 383kb |
Sir Robert Baden-Powell | 1913 - by W. J. Batchelder. | sirrbp.pdf | 544kb |
Design for Scouting | 1966 - The Chief Scout's Advance Party decision. | design.pdf | 501kb |
Memories of India | 1915 - by Sir Robert Baden-Powell. | memories.pdf | 3.5 Mb |
The Advance Party Report 1966 | 1966 - The Chief Scout's Advance Party Report. | advance66.pdf | 2.88 Mb |
Sketches In Mafeking & East Africa | 1907 - As stated - by Baden-Powell. | sketches.pdf | 29.0 Mb |
Report on the Siege of Mafeking | 1901 - Baden-Powell's report on the Siege of Mafeking, as printed in the London Gazette. | siegereport.pdf | 1.67 Mb |
Marksmanship For Boys | 1915 - One of the most rare of all of Baden-Powell's books. | marksboys.pdf | 2.79 Mb |
Cavalry Instruction | 1885 - By Captain R.S.S. Baden-Powell of the 13th Hussars. | cavinstr.pdf | 555kb |
The Boy Scouts Complete Signalling Instructor | 1947 - by Kenneth Sparrow. | signallinginstr.pdf | 2.70 Mb |
Policy, Organization and Rules | 1938 - By The Boy Scouts Association. Available as Full Scan or Text Only | P.O.R 1938 Full Scan.pdf 1938_POR Text Only.pdf | 4.85 Mb 1.04 Mb |
How Girls Can Help Their Country | 1917 - By Juliette Low | howgirlscanhelp.pdf | 1.81 Mb |
Reconnaissance and Scouting | 1891 - By R.S.S. Baden-Powell | reconnscout.pdf | 2.35 Mb |
Scouting Round The World | 1935 - By R.S.S. Baden-Powell | scoutinground.pdf | 3.97 Mb |
Essays on Duty and Discipline | 1910 - By R.S.S. Baden-Powell | britishdiscipline.pdf | 220kb |